School Life

Mrs Miller is Headteacher,  she teaches Class 2, The Foxes, on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Sally Lamb teaches The Foxes on a Thursday and Friday. 


Miss Plunkett teaches our Early Years, Class 1,The Squirrels, on Monday to Thursday each week. Mrs Miller teaches The Squirrels on a Friday. Mrs Dickson supports The Squirrels class all week. 

Mrs Miller, Miss Plunkett and Mrs Lamb work together to share expertise and meet the needs of all our children, which is why you might find any of our teachers working in the other class to the one listed. 

Our children also might work with any teacher or in either classroom, depending on the topic or subject being taught. 

Mrs Lindsay is at the hub of all we do. You will find her in the office in the mornings, so if you need to contact school, mornings are the best time!  

Mrs Dodds can be found in our school kitchen preparing our lovely meals! 

We enjoy taking part in a variety of activities and often have specialists from outside school to work alongside us. We also work closely with the schools in the Alnwick Partnership of Schools.