
Here at Branton Community Primary School we consider good attendance and punctuality to be major influences on our pupils' learning. In accordance with our school policy, we monitor these very carefully and inform parents when their child's attendance level falls below a certain level.
While we understand that  childhood illnesses are a part of growing up, they do impact heavily on a child's learning. When children are clearly ill they should not be in school. However, on the occasions when children are a little off colour or have a cough or cold, you should endeavour to bring your child into school. If their condition gets worse over the course of the day, we will contact you should it be necessary to collect your child. Days missed can lead to children falling behind in their work and missing out on the social side of school too.
We do understand that children will have absences from school. However, any time off during term time does count against your child's attendance. Therefore the school does not support having holidays in term time.

Morning registration is at 8:50am. This is the time your child must be with your teacher, so you need to ensure your child is ready to enter school at the appropriate point between 8:40am and 8.50am.

If there is an emergency that means you are unable to arrive at school for the designated time, please telephone school to inform us.

If your child arrives to school late after 8.50 am, you will need to sign your child in at the main office. We monitor children's punctuality carefully and repeated occasions of lateness will result in school contacting you and we may choose to inform outside agencies if the trend continues.

 Attendance  Description
 100% Outstanding 
 97-100% Excellent 
 96+% Good 
 90-95+% Unsatisfactory 
 Below 90% Persistent Absence