On 29th March 2023 Ofsted visited our school and declared that we continue to be a GOOD school.
Highlights of the report include:
What is it like to attend this school?
- In the early years, children get off to a flying start
- Leaders are warm and caring.
- Pupils feel safe in this small rural school.
- There is no bullying ,and everyone knows each other well.
- Children in the early years follow the well established routines.
- Children are visibly happy and take delight in discovering new things.
What does the school do well?
- S Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading. The books that pupils read match the sounds that they know.
- Pupils who fall behind receive support to get them back on track.
- The early years staff model the expected language to be used and how to complete learning activities. Children independently access all areas of the provision.
- Children listen to staff, share resources well and take turns in conversation.
- Some pupils are highly articulate and express their opinions very confidently.
- Attendance is improving as leaders are working with families to help them overcome any barriers to attending school.
- Pupils enjoy visiting the local farm, especially during lambing season. Leaders arrange cultural visits to the Hancock Museum and Tyne Theatre in Newcastle. Links with the local community have led to the ‘Crafty Cookies’ enrichment activity being held in nearby Powburn.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
- Leaders ensure that pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations.
- They learn about water safety and how to swim.
- In forest school, pupils learn the correct use of tools and how to react to specific risks such as fire.
- Staff and governors receive regular training and safeguarding updates. T
- Leaders follow up safeguarding concerns raised by staff swiftly.
- They seek appropriate advice and support for pupils and their families
What does the school need to do to improve?
- The curriculum in some subjects is not well matched to the needs of all pupils from their different starting points. As a result, expectations of what some pupils can achieve are either too high or too low. Leaders should define the most important knowledge to be taught to each group and ensure that staff use the most effective teaching strategies and resources to support pupils’ learning successfully.
- The writing curriculum does not ensure that pupils have a strong enough grasp of the basics of writing. This means that some pupils do not have a firm foundation for writing for their phase of education. Leaders should review the curriculum to ensure that pupils are specifically taught the appropriate components of writing for their age. Leaders should also arrange further training for teachers on the teaching of writing.
- There is a lack of consistency from staff when implementing the behaviour policy and in expectations of pupils’ behaviour. This leads to some pupils’ low-level disruptive behaviour going unchallenged. Some pupils are not actively engaged in their learning. Leaders should ensure that all staff are consistent in their expectations of behaviour for learning and application of the behaviour policy.